Sunday, September 27, 2020

八段錦 Ba Duan Jin



liǎng shǒu tuō tiān lǐ sān jiāo


zuǒ yòu kāi gōng sì shè diāo


tiáo lǐ pí wèi xū dān jǔ


wǔ láo qī shāng wǎng hòu qiáo


yáo tóu bǎi wěi qù xīn huǒ


liǎng shǒu pān zú gù shèn yāo


zuàn quán nù mù zēng qì lì


bèi hòu qī diān bǎi bìng xiāo


Two Hands Hold up the Heavens (Shuang Shou Tuo Tian)
This move is said to stimulate the "Triple Burner" aka "Triple Warmer" or "Triple Heater" meridian (Sanjiao). It consists of an upward movement of the hands, which are loosely joined and travel up the center of the body.
Drawing the Bow to Shoot the Eagle / Hawk / Vulture
While in a lower horse stance, the practitioner imitates the action of drawing a bow to either side. It is said to exercise the waist area, focusing on the kidneys and spleen.
Separate Heaven and Earth
This resembles a version of the first piece with the hands pressing in opposite directions, one up and one down. A smooth motion in which the hands switch positions is the main action, and it is said to especially stimulate the stomach.
Wise Owl Gazes Backwards or Look Back
This is a stretch of the neck to the left and the right in an alternating fashion.
Sway the Head and Shake the Tail
This is said to regulate the function of the heart and lungs. Its primary aim is to remove excess heat (or fire) (xin huo) from the heart. Xin huo is also associated with heart fire in traditional Chinese medicine. In performing this piece, the practitioner squats in a low horse stance, places the hands on thighs with the elbows facing out and twists to glance backwards on each side.
Two Hands Hold the Feet to Strengthen the Kidneys and Waist
This involves a stretch upwards followed by a forward bend and a holding of the toes.
Clench the Fists and Glare Fiercely (or Angrily)
This resembles the second piece, and is largely a punching movement either to the sides or forward while in horse stance. This, which is the most external of the pieces, is aimed at increasing general vitality and muscular strength.
Bouncing on the Toes
This is a push upward from the toes with a small rocking motion on landing. The gentle shaking vibrations of this piece is said to "smooth out" the qi after practice of the preceding seven pieces or, in some systems, this is more specifically to follow Sway the Head and Shake the Tail.

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庆余年 - 朝堂鬥詩 詩集

 《登高》 杜甫 風急天高猿嘯哀,渚清沙白鳥飛回。 無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來。 萬里悲秋常作客,百年多病獨登台。 艱難苦恨繁霜鬢,潦倒新停濁酒杯。 01. 將進酒 唐 · 李白 君不見,黃河之水天上來,奔流到海不復回。 君不見,高堂明鏡悲白髮,朝如青絲暮成雪。 ...