Thursday, March 27, 2008


在粉久粉久以前, 豬的娘曾對豬說過一句豬理明言: 你啊! 是什麼都想做, 什麼都會一點, 但是什麼都不精!    


不過最懂豬的真的是娘! 豬果然是: 這也想做, 那也想做, 但是做不出什麼大事業, 也賺不了什麼大錢! 現在, 豬又多學會了一樣-作文宣!


繼做完JJCC七日遊七大奇景圖後, 豬繼續幫師父作夏令營招生文宣 --


新出爐的武術學校夏令營, 還燙的喲!


現在做完, 下一個要做JJ中文學校的年刊了! 只要作一頁, 應該會很快的!!  

英明的娘: 您真是太了解女兒了! 女兒怎麼樣努力, 就是無法把家裡整理好呢! 怎麼辦?

豬想, 豬的娘一定會這樣告誡的: 女兒, 沒聽過另一條"豬"理名言嗎? 天下無難事, 只怕有心人!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Olive Garden Seafood Portifino

Olive Garden Seafood Portifino

Portofino Sauce:
4 oz Butter
4 oz Yellow onion, 1/4-inch dice
4 oz rue
16 fl oz milk
1 pint heavy cream
2 oz shrimp stock
1/2 fl oz old bay seasoning
16 fl oz white cooking wine
1 1/2 oz of Garlic puree

makes 1/2 gallon

Seafood portofino:
1/2 fl oz olive oil
2 oz of mushrooms
3 oz of portofino sauce (cold)
Linguine precooked (hot)
sprinkle fresh parsley
shrimp 4 oz, crawfish 2 oz, scallops 2 oz and 6 mussels

Heat oil in saute pan over medium flame. Put mushrooms in cook 30 seconds.

Add mussels and cook 30 seconds.

Add seafood. Cook 30 seconds. Flip cook 15 seconds more.

Add portofino sauce cook until bubbling throughout.

Move mushrooms and seafood to one side of pan. Add linguine to other side. Using tongs,coat pasta with sauce. (mussels should be open).

I cut the recipe for the Portofino Sauce in half because I couldn't see needing a 1/2 gallon. Also, I believe the Seafood part of the recipe is for only 1 serving. In other words, the Portofino Sauce is made up and 3 oz used at a time per serving.


Start by getting your ingredients ready. Dice the onion.

Make the roux (heat vegetable oil on medium/high, add flour, stir continuously until oil flour mixture browns). The amount of oil I used was equal the amount of roux required by the recipe. For instance, the original recipe calls for 4 oz of roux. So 8 tbsp oil and 8 tbsp white flour. Set aside.

Make shrimp stock. If you are using head on shrimp, set aside the heads and shells and boil with just enough water to cover. After boiling disgard heads and shells and use the remaining shrimp stock in the amount required by the recipe.

Now get started.
Melt Butter on medium heat. Add diced onion and garlic puree cover but stir occasionally.

After diced onions are sauteed add white wine and uncover. Turn up heat to high until boiling then back down to medium. Cook 5 minutes on medium.

Now stir in roux and shrimp stock and Old Bay Seasoning. Cook 3 minutes.

Now add milk and heavy cream. Turn heat on high just until mixture starts to boil. Turn on medium/low, cover stirring occasionally for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the Sauce is ready. I turned heat to low while I prepared the seafood. Hope this Helps Someone!


Monday, March 24, 2008


想起JJ自一歲起到四歲時, 就已經進出美國七次 (六次台灣 + 一次墨西哥),  幾乎都快要變成超人的親戚了! 可憐的CC都兩歲半才來回台灣一次, 其他地方也沒去過那兒!  為了補償CC, 讓姊妹倆增廣見聞, 趁著春假一週,  豬決定安排一個讓人難忘的春假七日遊!


03/16/08 第一天 

既然從美國DC出發,  第一天就先到英國的巨石群(stonehenge)吧! 



03/17/08 第二天  -  羅馬競技場



03/18/08 第三天  -  約旦的佩特拉(Petra)古城


03/19/08 第四天  -  印度泰姬瑪哈陵

JJ和CC還在這一片湛藍的池水邊投下許願幣, 好浪漫呢!



03/20/08 第五天  -  中國的萬里長城



03/21/08 第六天  -  巴西的耶穌基督雕像(Christ the Redeemer)

今天剛好碰上Good Friday 真是很特別呢!



03/22/08 第七天  - 墨西哥奇琴伊察瑪雅城(Chichen Itza)遺址

既然JJ到過墨西哥Cancun,  CC也不能落後, 這次就到瑪雅城吧!


更巧的是, 還遇到Emily 和 Erich的爸爸媽媽也來到這度假, 真是有緣千里來相聚啊!


經過了七天七大奇景的世界遊, 終於又回到最可愛的家, 大家都好開心呢! 真是個難忘的春假!


豬頭媽得吃藥睡覺去了!  過了一個窩在家裡看孩子的春假,  豬腦已經想度假想瘋了!

待未來有機會,  豬能帶JJCC到世界走走,  看看這個世界有多大!

庆余年 - 朝堂鬥詩 詩集

 《登高》 杜甫 風急天高猿嘯哀,渚清沙白鳥飛回。 無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來。 萬里悲秋常作客,百年多病獨登台。 艱難苦恨繁霜鬢,潦倒新停濁酒杯。 01. 將進酒 唐 · 李白 君不見,黃河之水天上來,奔流到海不復回。 君不見,高堂明鏡悲白髮,朝如青絲暮成雪。 ...