Monday, March 3, 2008

豬頭媽愛芭比 - Barbie as The Island Princess

天哪! 豬竟然愛上芭比! 自從看了芭比的"森林公主"後, 每天芭比的歌在腦海裡縈繞不絕, 竟然和JJCC一起唱! 這哪像人家的媽呀! 不過"螺絲拉"!  呵呵! 是"蘿絲拉"啦!  不過蘿絲拉和她失散十年的娘相認那段讓豬頭媽感動的痛哭流涕, 真是要笑掉龍貓的兩顆大門牙了,  竟然看芭比會哭哭, 龍貓只能三聲無奈了! 也難怪了! 豬才25歲唄! 年輕人總是粉容易感動的呢!   



豬扮演蘿絲拉的娘, JJCC扮演蘿絲拉, 母女可以一起合唱了!  不然每次JJ都要豬頭媽扮王子, 只能唱王子的部分, 傷腦筋呢!


蘿絲拉 & 她娘 (瑪麗莎) 重逢  Right Here in My Arms --

sun goes down
and we are here together
fireflies glow like a thousand charms

stay with me
and you can dream forever
right here in my arms tonight -


sounds of day fade away

stars begin to climb

melodies feel the breeze
sweeter all the time

Both singing at the same time

my love -
its als always with you -
whether near of far

how sweet to hold you

sun goes down and we are here together
fireflies glow like a thousand charms

stay with me and you can dream forever

right here in my arms tonight -


P.S.   母女都是同一個人唱的, 難怪沒法兒唱現場的


蘿絲拉 & 安東尼奧 I Need to Know--

where is the land I come from?
who lives where I was born?
why do my memories start with a storm?
what if I have a family
somewhere beyond the sea?
could there be someone there missing me?

tell me why im not sleeping
and my heart is leaping inside me
could this be one of those times
when your feelings decide?

why does he look through circles?
why does he hide his feet?
why do I feel so shy when we meet?
is this the tree he sleeps in?
what can he see from there?
could there be new horizons to share?

all these questions keep turning
and churning and burning inside me
what are these feelings I feel
when he’s here by my side?

I need to know these answers
I need to find my way
seize my tomorrow
learn my yesterday
I need to take these chances
let all my feelings show
can’t tell what’s waiting
still I need to go
I need to know

Prince Antonio:
Isn’t she just amazing?
daring and bold and sure
different then girls that I’ve met before
do you think she might like me?
how do I look tonight?
I just want everything to be right

all these questions keep turning
and churning and burning inside me
what are these feelings I feel
when she’s here by my side?

I need to know these answers
I need to find my way
seize my tomorrow
learn my yesterday
I need to take these chances
let all my feelings show
can’t tell what’s waiting
still I need to go
I need to know



蘿絲拉 Always More --

everybody is born to care
Its something we were meant to share
not to keep to our selves alone
if we make room for someone new
doesn’t mean that theres less for you
only mean that our circle has grown

love knows, love grows
bigger than before
in your heart theres always more

Its magic, the more you give it away
the more love, comes back to you everyday
you are my tika and i am your ro
always forever wherever we go

so... Love knows, love grows
bigger than before
in your heart theres always


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庆余年 - 朝堂鬥詩 詩集

 《登高》 杜甫 風急天高猿嘯哀,渚清沙白鳥飛回。 無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來。 萬里悲秋常作客,百年多病獨登台。 艱難苦恨繁霜鬢,潦倒新停濁酒杯。 01. 將進酒 唐 · 李白 君不見,黃河之水天上來,奔流到海不復回。 君不見,高堂明鏡悲白髮,朝如青絲暮成雪。 ...